Outsourcing thermal spray billing

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In the pursuit of increasing bottom line profitability and remaining competitive in the ever changing field of thermal spray coatings, thermal spray shops everywhere are looking for ways and means to cut costs. One way in which thermal spray shops can address this issue is by outsourcing their mundane day to day accounting tasks.

Thermal spray company owners need to realize that their strength and passion is in thermal spray coatings; not in taking care of accounts receivables and accounts payables. In fact many small thermal spray operators loathe these tasks and yet they continue to do it day after day when that effort could have been spent wisely elsewhere.

What I would recommend is to outsource your invoicing, accounts receivables and accounts payables to some accounting firm in India. Choose a vendor small enough so you can be serviced like a king, but large enough so they have the necessary infrastructure in place to take care of your needs. This company should also be tasked with the collection of outstanding invoices that have aged past the agreed to upon due date. This outsourced company should provide a report to you the owner only once a week and you in turn can choose to send them accounting advise once a week. Of course invoicing can take place every day and an automated system needs to be put in place for the same.

What this will do is to take away non-core thermal spray activities away from your day to day operations, leaving you the time to concentrate on engineering, sales and production and leave the accounting non-sense to some other slob who WANTS to do it and will do it for cheap. The moment he raises his price, dump him and find another. Don’t get married to any outsourcing firm. Remember they are dime a dozen!

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